Practice Pointer - Analysis and critical thinking in assessment
Practice Pointer - Analysis and critical thinking in assessment
Delivered online using Teams
12:00 - 13:00 Wednesday, 6 November 2024
This session will focus on analysis and critical thinking in assessment.
The session is part of our rolling programme of engagement activities. Join us for 60 minutes on the first Wednesday of the month to explore key messages on a core topic, reflect on the impact on practice, and discover Research in Practice resources to help you to further engage with the subject.
If the above event (or occurrence of an event) is displaying as 'Event Full' and you would like to be added to a waiting list, please email detailing the required event title, event time and date.
We will contact you should places become available.
Audience Types
Policy makers
Residential / care home workers
Senior leaders
Senior practitioners
Social workers
Strategic leads
Team leaders
Workforce development teams
Principal Social Worker (PSW)
Professional Standards
PQS:KSS - Analysis, decision-making, planning and review | Promote and govern excellent practice | Purposeful and effective social work | Support effective decision-making | Supervision, critical analysis and reflection | Developing confident and capable social workers
CQC - Effective | Well-led
PCF - Critical reflection and analysis | Professionalism
RCOT - Demonstrate quality